Minggu, 07 Juli 2013


                         Suara Hati
Mengapa mentari itu tidak bersinar
sedangkan aku sangat mengharapkannya.
Mungkinkah ia sudah enggan bersahabat
Aku berkata dalam hati...,
Mentari tolonglah aku?
Aku rindu kehadiranmu,
ketika seberkas asa mengukir dihatiku
bergelayut di relung hati ini.
Jangan biarkan hatiku beku
tak mampu menoreh asa baru
Berilah aku seberkas sinarmu
demi asa bergulir didinding kalbu
agar tak  bisu,
bersenadung dalam kalbu
namun tak mampu melantun lagu.
                                       Ulahan Ndahul, ARAS

Why the sun does not shine
whereas I was expecting
Could he have been reluctant to

with me!
I said to myself ...,
Mentari help me,
I miss your presence
when a beam of hope to carve my heart
hung in the recesses of the heart is
Do not let my heart is frozen
not able to notch up a new
Sun ...,
Give me a beam sinarmu
wall by rolling up your heart
so as not to mute
bersenadung the heart
but was unable singing songs

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